ESET Antivirus Free Download
ESET Antivirus Free Download, one of the best antivirus programs out there. Protect your computer, protect emails, protect your credit cards. Protect yourself.
There are so many ways hackers and malware can attack your system and steal your personal data. Although there are many antivirus and anti-malware programs, which one should you choose.
This review is for people with average tech ability. We are the majority of people using the internet and email systems. If you want more technical analysis, see the maker’s websites.
I have also shortened it to help you make a quick decision.
Trojans, rootkits, spyware, adware, ransomware and email problems such as phishing are just some of the threats to security on your devices.
ESET Antivirus Free Download A Guide?
Should you rely on Microsoft’s own firewall and Defender?
Should you pay or is a free one good enough?
I would like to stress at this point that I do not know what your setup is and what kind of things you choose to do on your PC / laptop. tablet / phone etc. This means I can only guide you generally.
Should I Have an Antivirus?
Yes. If you have ever lost all your data and personal photos to a virus, or ever had your email account hacked and thousands of emails sent out on your behalf, you will know that the answer is: “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
Is an ESET Free Download Enough?
There are several different forms of Free Download.
Some Antivirus programs are completely free and some are free for a period of time.
ESET is free for a month, however, if you exceed the month, it does not switch off and leave you hanging out to dry.
The ESET program you download is the complete, full version and not a cutback or limited version.
They will leave you with a basic protection and remind you that your free trial has finished.
All ESET Products are available on free trial download. You get the full version, not a cutback version. Be careful of free, cut-back versions. They can leave you and your system vulnerable to attack.
What is ESET Antivirus Free Download?
ESET Antivirus is one of a suite of programmes designed to keep your activities on the internet secure and safe.
ESET programmes are all available for many operating systems:
There are several aspects of security and ESET downloads are available for almost any need you have for security.
The prices vary and in the UK they are:
In the USA the Windows products have the following prices:
ESET Antivirus Download Price Saving
Most of us have several different pieces of hardware using the internet.
By covering them all and extending the cover to 2 or even 3 years, the savings are large.
If you have a particular cover you want, call ESET, they are very available and very helpful. They do not try to sell you what you do not need.
You can also add accounts through the year and they will give you a pro-rata quote for the extra bits.
When you get the renewal reminder each year, they always have a discounted offer for existing customers.
What Does ESET Antivirus Free Download Do?
There is a difference between a simple anti-virus account and an internet security account. See the picture with “Protection for Windows.” For a breakdown.
- The internet security covers
- Email security
- Securing web pages when you are entering bank details or other sensitive information.
- Phishing attempts.
- Blacklisted websites which are known to have some form of malware attached. ESET will not block access, it warns you of the danger and you can choose to continue or not. It is usually best to accept the warning and stay away.
- Unlike some other software, ESET lets you scan external drives, flash drives and also individual files if you think that file might be harmful.
The Good in ESET Antivirus Free Download
- It is one of the most efficient anti-virus programs I have ever come across.
- ESET is fast.
- ESET has a small footprint which means it does not gobble up resources on your PC.
- If you get the paid for version, it will automatically update itself with the latest information of what malware is on the internet.
The Bad in ESET Antivirus Free Download
- Difficult to find much bad to say about this programme.
- In ratings by professional websites ESET usually comes out in the top 3 and sometimes the top 2.
- Perhaps there is a lot going on in the program that only professionals would understand, but that is true of any good Antivirus or firewall programme.
Should I Buy the Antivirus After the ESET Antivirus Free Download Trial?
Honestly, there is so much to protect ourselves against on the internet. It is like the wild west before the sheriff’s cam.
Antivirus and firewalls are the sheriffs.
What would you rather do? Take a chance or have a Sherriff?
There are other programs which have antivirus and firewall sections.
There are cutback free versions of some.
I would personally not let my precious personal data at risk, so I would always go for a paid for professional version.
Should I Just Have the ESET Antivirus Free Download or get the Whole Internet Security Free Download?
You can combine the ESET Antivirus with Microsoft’s own firewall. In my opinion that is good but not good enough for me.
With the full-blown Internet Security, ESET takes care of your emails and a large number of spam and dubious emails are popped into a “Spam” folder and the links disabled, so that you cannot accidentally click on and cause yourself a catastrophe.
I see this kind of protection like protecting your home. (How much time do you spend on the internet?) If you do not lock your doors and windows at night, your home is not secure. Leave a window open and you might be vulnerable to bad smells and intruders.
Internet Security is really necessary these days as attacks become more sophisticated.
ESET Antivirus Free Download Pros and Cons
- We need protection against a lot of different kinds of attacks these days.
- ESET free downloads are a genuine trial of the full version.
- ESET antivirus covers you for one major part of the problem. The full internet security gives you email security, safe personal information exchange as well.
- There is no question about having some kind of internet security.
- If you select ESET Antivirus free trial, at least you know you will be getting the full version to try out.
- The financial discounts to getting all your devices covered are really attractive.
This is my personal opinion as a user of ESET Internet Security on all my devices and I have used it for years after being recommended by a professional.
In the end, the choice is 100% yours alone. Whatever you decide, stay safe.
I would encourage you to have something good to help protect your systems.
Thank you for your ESET antivirus review. I just spent 3 hours yesterday trying to clean my computer from unwanted malware just to wake up this morning with the same problems. It is nice how ESET antivirus lets you try the complete program for 30 days free. If ESET can clean up my computer then I will defiantly become a paying customer.
Hi Micah.
It depends what is wrong with your PC. I can also recommend Ccleaner, free. Run carefully, deleting all the temp files. It is not an antivirus but it helps clean up clogged up computers, getting rid of unwanted temporary files.
Scan with ESET and then reboot your PC, preferably twice.
Hello and thank you for this review. At the moment I am using AVG antivirus system – free version. I have used Avast before but my friend that works in the software development informed that they are not what they are used to be and that their quality dropped down.
Long before swtiching to Avast I was using ESET Antivirus but always free or cracked versions. Do you think it is worht buying premium ESET Antivirus for my computer that I use only for personal use.
Thank you in advance.
Thanks Strahinja.
You have put me on the spot there.
I used free versions for many years and when I asked some friends in the business, they all recommended ESET. I ran the free version for a year and was so pleased. It did not slow my computer down like some of the other versions.
I have used a multi device package ever since and cannot fault it.
Modern internet security has become so complex that only really tech trained people can analyse what the programs do and how they do it.
I speak as an end user and not as an expert techy.
I know that each company does things in different ways and they are all moving towards artificial intelligence and using VPNs.
That includes ESET. I find their packages very reasonably priced and I cover several devices and pay for 3 years up front so the cost per device drops to a low amount.
You talk about “personal” use. If you are on the internet with any device at all, your device is vulnerable.
If you go on the internet 1 hour a week to collect emails, your emails are vulnerable to phishing and a host of other indirect threats. If you ever download anything or buy anything on the internet, those activities leave you open to threats.
If you never use the internet and never introduce USB or CD / DVDs into your machine, you are reasonably safe.
I cannot recommend cracked versions because they also sometimes have sneaky malware built into the crack, which may be sending your keyboard strokes to another computer.
Free versions are usually exactly the same as the paid for ones. It is the level of protaction you get from them that is limited.
Hope this helps you and thanks for reading the review.
If you never go on the internet and never load anything in through a CD or USB port, you may be quite safe. Safe Browsing.
I never thought I might need security for a smart TV, but it definitely makes sense because it has access to the internet. This might be a gaping hole in many people’s online security.
Your analogy about keeping your house secure by locking the doors and windows is so true. I would even take it a step further and say that internet connected products are like having a house with a hundred doors and windows that you need to lock up. It seems like there are so many ways for people to attack us with viruses and scams.
ESET sounds like a great program to use to protect myself, and I love that they have a multi-device security bundle so I can get one solution for all my devices!
Thanks Maria, yes it is frightening sometimes how many potential threats there are.
On the other hand, there are a lot of sophisticated protections out there.
The top antivirus/firewall programs are beginning to work on an Artificial Intelligence way and identify many new threats before they even become well known.
I have noticed a decided drop in email problems over the last year. ESET filters my emails before they are loaded into Outlook and pops them into a separate “Spam” folder. Any links which were there in the email are detached and so you cannot even accidentally click on them. If you find an email there by mistake, you have to move it back to the inbox and copy and paste the links into a browser.
The “mistakes” are rare though.
Hope the article was of help to you. Safe browsing.
I see there is a MAC version. Now, I am very new to using any apple products – until recently I never owned an iphone or anything, and I just made the complete switch. I thought you didn’t need any antivirus with them? Please correct me if I am wrong, as I am still learning how to use this laptop!
Great review though, I really like how you pointed out that there is a free trial you can check out before purchasing, especially great for someone like me who doesn’t know much about the product! Thanks for sharing!
Macs and other MAC devices have had a reputation of being safer than Windows and Android devices because their user base was smaller.
I think, (own personal opinion) that with the expanding user base, especially on phones, they are becoming more susceptible. I have no direct experience and so would recommend you chat to Apples own advisers, who have a reputation of being very helpful and knowledgeable.