Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool
Generating traffic using Twitter has been an effective tool. A lot of hard work is needed and an automated Twitter tool could save a lot of work. Not any more.
Unfortunately, the days of using automated systems have possibly come to an end. Read the review to see what has happened and what could have happened.
Product Name: Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool
Website : http://get.postdynamo.com
Price : $2.95 to start and $19.95 a month after that.
Owner : Rachel Rofe?
Ranking : 0/10 (Not Recommended)
Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool Overview
The principle of this downloadable software is to automate Follow/unfollow and several other aspects of using Twitter to generate traffic.
In April 2018 Twitter changed its policy and has blocked automated systems from accessing its API.
This means no automated systems.
What is Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool about
15 minutes a week to automate your Twitter account(s) and drive traffic where you want it.
How to make your Tweets interesting so they get re-tweeted.
How to build a lively Twitter account that creates interest and grows exponentially. This is the way to get a great following and drive visitors to your site, your business.
What Does Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool Do
It automates some of the drudgery in developing a powerful twitter account.
The Good in Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool
The cost is not too high.
The Bad in Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool
There are free and cheaper programs which do the same thing. Obviously, I do not know if they are better or worse than Post Dynamo.
Unfortunately, Twitter have banned automated software of this type and so this program cannot function. If you use it, you will probably find your account blocked by Twitter.
It will also not function at all, in all likelihood.
Who is Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool for?
No-one at present.
Who is Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool Not for?
Tools and Training in Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool
Not really relevant.
Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool Support
None as far as I can see.
Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool Balance Pros and Cons
There are no Pros since Twitter have blocked access to their API, which is necessary for automated tools to work.
Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool Scam or no Scam
Although it is still possible to sign up and pay for this program. Please do not do it at the moment. It will not work.
If you inadvertently do sign up and start paying, you can get your initial money back from Click Bank.
There is another warning. The initial price of $2.95 is only for 14 days. The automated payments kick in very quickly.
The box with the red arrow is probably the repeat payment agreement.
Since using an automated system breaks Twitters rules, I have no intention of signing up and trying the software.
Verdict: Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool Recommended or Not?
Absolutely NOT at this moment in time.
Product Name: Post Dynamo Automated Twitter Tool
Website : http://get.postdynamo.com
Price : $2.95 to start and $19.95 a month after that.
Owner : Rachel Rofe?
Ranking : 0/10 (Not Recommended)
I suspect that this was a project started in 2017 and then abandoned in early 2018. They have left the website and payment system live. Not a nice thing to do.
This review is my personal opinion based on some years of experience and a lot of really excellent training. I have made mistakes and I have learnt some expensive lessons. Those lessons have usually been due to believing the emotional hype that is used by unscrupulous people. Their attempts to draw people in to buying their programmes often follows a recognisable pattern.
If you have experienced similar problems, especially with the program reviewed here, please do comment. We welcome honest views of all kinds.
If you are interested in a genuine free trial of an excellent training platform, click the button below. No obligation.
This tool sound (or sounded rather) like a very useful asset to have at your disposal. I am sure twitter had good reason for denying access to their API (probably not though. they do what they want anyways). I think that a tool like this is very useful for online marketers as it was very convenient and time saving whilst allowing you to grow your business.
Post Dynamo suffered the same fate that many programmes will likely suffer in the future. I think it is very sad when a promising programme such as this is rendered useless because of the potential value it could provide, but I guess such is life.
Thanks Renton.
I do so agree. The pendulum has swung too far into absolute control over everything.
FB close people’s accounts and take a year explaining why.
Of course it can be extreme abuse of such programmes that has caused the reaction. As you say, we will never know because they are not going to justify their actions.