Kaspersky Antivirus Download

Kaspersky Antivirus Download

How Kaspersky protection can save your identity in a world with so many threats. How to save your emails, business & personal identity? A nightmare to avoid.

Kaspersky has been around since 1997 and has a vast amount of experience designing internet security for individuals and businesses.

This is why you need this now and this is how you save your identity from those who would steal it and make a havoc of your life.

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Product Name: Kaspersky

Website: https://www.kaspersky.co.uk/ https://usa.kaspersky.com

Price: Varies. from Free upwards.

Owner: Kaspersky Lab

Ranking: 100/100

Kaspersky Downloads, Overview

Kaspersky is the name of a company specialising in internet security.

Kaspersky have a range of products for

  • PCs
  • Macs
  • Android Phones and
  • Android Tablets

Kaspersky Internet Security has appropriate software for

  • Home
  • Small Business
  • Medium Business

Kaspersky Antivirus Download

Kaspersky’s basic security covering:

  • virus protection
  • Ransomware
  • Phishing
  • Spyware
  • Dangerous websites.

This is the minimum protection it is worth having and it is the cheapest.

Kaspersky Antivirus Download
Kaspersky Antivirus Download
Kaspersky Antivirus Download

Kaspersky Internet Security Free Download

The next level up is the Internet Security which includes

  • Privacy protection
  • Financial Transactions when you buy things r visit your bank/credit card accounts
  • Plus, ransomware etc.
  • Download protection to block dangerous files or infected files.

If you want to continue after the 30-day free trial, you will need to pay. The price depends on the country you live in.

Kaspersky Total Security Download

This package adds in the following:

  • Protects passwords
  • Parental control
  • Banking and shopping protection.

The price depends on the country you live in.

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Kaspersky Downloads

You can download all these packages and get a free Kaspersky trial, usually for 30 days. There are some variations from country to country but there are plenty of ways to save a little money:

  • You can, for example, cover more than one device in your home or business.
  • You can also pay for several years up front.

Both of these will reduce your cost per device and remember, the actual price will depend on the country you live in.

Kaspersky Business Downloads

Kaspersky do a range of business packages where:

  • Advanced Bank Transaction Security,
  • File encryption and backup for extra data protection layers,
  • Kaspersky Password Manager, you only have to remember one password,
  • Protection for file servers,

are added security layers.

It is difficult to price these options because they will need to be tailored to your business and will depend on:

  • The country you live in.
  • How many years you pay for up front,
  • Your specific business needs.

What is Kaspersky Internet Security About?

  • Every second we are on the internet; we are exposed to threats from many angles.
  • Each time we open a browser
  • Each time we visit a website
  • Each time we download a picture or a video
  • Each time we receive an email
  • Each time we pay a bill
  • Each time we order something through an online shop
  • Each time we open social media, Facebook, Twitter etc.

There are

  • fake emails and
  • fake news and
  • attempts to control your device

sniffing round the edges of the internet daily.

Since the internet is constantly changing and evolving, so do the attempts to steal our data and sneak in malware through our emails.

The hackers and thieves have to become smarter and smarter so our security has to improve dynamically as well.

It is no longer possible to simply buy an antivirus and know you are safe.

Any internet security you have, has to be constantly updated with defence against the latest threats.

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What Does Kaspersky Internet Security Do?

Kaspersky Internet Security has a consistently high rating compared with other quality Internet Security Packages.

They all have different methods of protecting you.

Some block known threats and others allow them to download and then quarantine them, warning you of what they are.

Good Antivirus technologies use complex algorithms to test new files and websites and see if they might be a threat, so that even new threats are identified, before they can become a problem.

The Kaspersky business packages extend their security to intranet and encryption (encoding) to cover the different needs of business users.

Business users often need server protection and there are new developments in VPNs to help secure internet use.

The Good in Kaspersky Trial

You can give the Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security a trial for 30 days before paying a subscription.

I am not sure how you can judge how effective Kaspersky has been because you do not know what would have happened if it was not installed.

Personally, I believe that internet security is vitally important these days. I mean, would you leave your windows and doors open at night or when you went shopping?

Do you lock your car?

There are websites that test antivirus and internet security programs by isolating them on a device and then throwing every type of malware and virus at it that they have at the time. They then see what has been stopped and what has slipped though.

Kaspersky always comes out in the top 3.

The Bad In

The only 2 complaints against Kaspersky are

  1. It is so large a program it can slow your PC down a little.
  2. It costs money.

All good antivirus software costs money except Avast.

No Internet Security system is perfect. Kaspersky comes as close as possible.

Who is Kaspersky Internet Security for?

If you surf the net and use it for anything while you are online, you need some Internet Security.

If you have never had security before, it is a good idea to download a free trial and see how you get used to it.

The vast majority of PCs and laptops have the minimum technical specification needed to run Kaspersky programs.

If you have a tablet, the same applies.

Who is Kaspersky Internet Security Not for?

Some people use Windows Defender and MS own firewall.

In most technical tests they come out quite well but not as good as Kaspersky Internet Security.

If you rarely go online and never download or send emails, the MS programs will probably be ok for you.

By the way, Kaspersky does not run on Windows 10 mobile editions.

Kaspersky Internet Security may not run on Beta versions of operating systems.

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Tools and Training in Kaspersky free Download

Kaspersky Antivirus Download

There are a lot of information and videos on the Kaspersky Internet Security Websites.

There are separate information systems for

  • private, home use packages,
  • business packages
  • PCs
  • Macs
  • Android systems
  • iOS
  • Trending Issues and

In fact, I have rarely seen such profoundly complete information and training in any of the programs I have reviewed, and I have reviewed hundreds.

Support in Kaspersky Internet Security

The support button opens up a range of world zones and countries for you to select your own one.

There are technical support and Store support telephone numbers and email support.

There is a “live chat” in several country areas. I did not test them all.

I did look at the telephone support languages and they include:

  • English
  • German
  • French

This is a pretty thorough business approach. Mind you, with over 400 million users worldwide, they need to be pretty international.

Pricing for Kaspersky Downloads

You can see the UK and USA prices in the tables above.

There is a lot of flexibility if you have several devices and are prepared to pay upfront for several years ahead, Then, you can just park it and forget it for a while.

Looking at the cost of losing your personal data or possibly your whole operating system crashing, I think the price for internet security is low these days.

Product Balance Pros and Cons

There is a lot to lose by having no internet security. I know some people say: “Nothing has ever happened to me.” That means you have been lucky.

The internet is like the wild west before the sheriffs came to town. There is a need to take care of ourselves.

What price can you put on your security?

There are several good Antivirus and internet security programs:

Kaspersky is up there with the best.

Is Kaspersky Antivirus / Internet Security a Scam?

There is no doubt that this is the real thing and absolutely not a scam.

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Verdict: product Recommended or Not?

Kaspersky Internet Security comes with my highest recommendation.

Product Name: Kaspersky

Website: https://www.kaspersky.co.uk/ https://usa.kaspersky.com

Price: Varies. from Free upwards.

Owner: Kaspersky Lab

Ranking: 100/100

This review is my personal opinion based on some years of experience and a lot of really excellent training. We welcome honest views of all kinds.

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  1. Inspirational hints

    I wonder, whether do still people use Kaspersky Antivirus? I believe, that nowadays, everyone uses Avast. Will you agree with this fact?

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Yes, people still use Kasperski and I believe part of the engine in Kasperski is used in other anti-virus programs.
      There are many such programs now and the differences are small and may well be suitable for most people.
      Some have particular aspects which may make them more suitable for your particular needs.
      My advice is to research thoroughly when you are about to buy an antivirus.

  2. Ashley

    Would you say that you need Kaspersky at all if you have a Mac? Aren’t they known for being far less susceptible to viruses and the like? Also, your article mentions that there is a lot of fake news on the internet. I would argue that no antivirus technology is going to be able to deter that, unfortunately. I would love to see you compare Kaspersky with the other big contenders, such as Norton and Panda. 

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Ashley.

      I am not a Mac expert. The prime reason for Macs being “safer” than Windows based devices is that there are so fewer Macs in use than Windows based.

      I know there is a reputation for Macs being safer but I also know hackers have targeted Mac systems from time to time.

      What kind of email do you use and are your emails scanned before you open them?

      I think there will soon be apps available to sniff out some kinds of fake news. Should be interesting to see, though.

      The problem with every comparison between 2 or more security systems is that:

      1. No two systems are directly comparable.

      2. It is impossible to asses the effectiveness of an antivirus program without attacking it with a variety of known viruses. This does give some degree of comparison but the real threats come from the new attacks.

      That is difficult to asses, since the attack is based on new code or new strategies. If I could predict that, I would be employing someone else to write this response and sleeping on my private yacht.

      It is very similar to investing in shares in a company: past performance does not guarantee future performance.

      We can only go by customers (users) responses and an intelligent 3rd party analysis.

      We do our best to give impartial, unbiased, intelligent reviews.

      Hope this helps you.

  3. Petra

    I have used a few different anti virus programs and a few of them were just slowing down my computer way too much, so they got the boot very quickly.

    I have used Kapersky before and it was fairly easy to use and didn’t slow my computer down. Currently I’m using a different anti virus which came with the purchase of a new computer, but once the free subscription expires, I might change back to Kapersky. 

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Petra

      It is quite common for new computers to come with a free trial of an antivirus. They often only last 4 or 8 weeks before they will ask you to pay for an upgrade.

      This is quite usual although it can be quite irritating if you are not aware of it from the beginning.

      Kaspersky is definitely one of the better ones although I personally have used ESET on my main PC for years.

      I* would always go for a complete internet security package because there are so many ways a system can be attacked, including through emails. This is covered in most Internet security packages, which will include the antivirus as well as other protections.


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