Norton Antivirus Free


Norton Free Antivirus is probably the best known and respected in the world. Norton covers almost every kind of attack you can get. So what is wrong with it?

Before this guided tour through Norton’s, there may be a few words that need explaining. Internet security is full of jargon and the deeper you go into it, the more technical it becomes.

This is not a highly technical review so please sit back and enjoy it.

I hope to give you a bird’s eye view of internet threats and why we need internet protection.

Product Name: Norton’s Antivirus / Internet Security


Price: See pricing below.

Owner: Symantec Corporation

Ranking: 10/10

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Norton Antivirus Free, Overview

What are the Dangers on the Internet? Here is a brief list of the dangers there are:

  • Virus Attack
  • Phishing
  • Malware giving control to an outside person.
  • Spying
  • Information theft
  • Data corruption
  • Trojan Horses
  • Fake websites and emails
  • Ransom Ware

This is by no means the lot but I think it is enough to consider protecting yourself.

A virus is a piece of software that is sneaked onto your device that can

  • Harm your device
  • Steal information
  • Destroy files, photos
  • Encrypt (encode) your files and demand money before unlocking them all.
  • Delete files which are essential to your device so that it crashes.

Norton’s Free Antivirus claims to protect you against all of this and more.

Trojan Horses:

These are mini programs that the bad guys try to infect your device with to get information or disrupt your safety on the net. They often just sit and wait for something specific to happen before they become active.

Ransom Ware is where your files will all be locked and a message will arrive telling you that you have a certain number of hours to pay money to get your files unlocked. If you do not pay, your files will be deleted and your phone scrambled and unusable.


What is Free Norton Antivirus About?

Norton, like other antivirus software, collects databases of viruses and malware. This way, Norton’s can quickly identify these bad boys and delete or quarantine them to protect your system.

There are so many ways a device like a PC or tablet can get infected with a virus or malware that Norton Antivirus uses different techniques to protect you.

You want an Antivirus to run quietly in the background, protecting you and your activities so that you go about your business with no anxieties.

Norton Antivirus Free

This is about the different types of threat that Norton Free Security protects you from.

What Does Free Norton Security Do?

It runs like a tight-knit security firm watching for attacks from any quarter.

You can choose Norton Security knowing that Norton has been around a long time and knows the kind of threats there are.

Norton free trials on all their products and you will see how easy it is for you to use them using the free trial.

There are several tops ranked Antivirus and Security programs on the market which constantly come out tops in the technical tests.

Norton also offers

  • Family Packages
  • Mobile Security
  • Business Packages and instant device check and virus removal.

Norton Internet Security can protect your device from accessing dangerous websites, from losing your personal data and generally keep you safe on the net.

Norton Mobile Security

As with all the big Internet security forms now, Norton offers specific software for phones and tablets.

We use our smartphones as much as we do other devices these days to access the internet, buy and sell and use social media, we need to be careful.

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Norton Anti-Virus Free

There is no doubt that Norton takes a risk claiming that you would be a 100% free of virus and malware if you use their Norton Internet Security. A company like Norton will only offer this because they really know what they are doing.

You can be Virus Free with Norton.

Remember that the Norton Internet Security includes the anti-virus.

The Norton Antivirus is a separate program or is included in the Norton Internet Security versions.

The Good in Norton’s Free Antivirus / Internet Security

  • Norton Internet Security are probably the largest antivirus/internet security company in the world.
  • Norton Internet Security are well established and know the potential threats well.
  • Norton Internet Security offers free trials on their programs.
  • Norton Internet Security is quite straightforward to use.
  • Their more expensive versions of Norton Internet Security offer multiple device cover. This makes them much cheaper if you have several devices to install.
  • See Pricing below.
  • Norton Internet Security offers parental protection on the more expensive versions and also
  • Smartphone tablet devices.
  • All the Free Trials use the full version of that Norton package you are trialing.

The Bad in Norton Antivirus / Internet Security

  • Norton Internet Security is a large program and can slow down your startup a bit.
  • This is a small price to pay for this level of protection.
  • It is not the cheapest of those top quality programs.
  • No parental control on cheaper versions.

Who is Norton Free Antivirus for?

If you go on the net regularly.

  • Use email.
  • Browse the internet.
  • Buy goods over the internet; Amazon, eBay etc.
  • Download software, music or games.

You are vulnerable to security attacks. You would be wise to have some form of internet security.

Norton Free Antivirus or Free Internet Security is a good place to start.

Who is Norton Free Antivirus Not for?

  • If you rarely go on the net.
  • Never download anything.
  • Never buy anything on the net.

Rarely browse or search on the net, then the bog standard Windows Defender and Windows Firewall may well be sufficient for your security needs.

Tutorials and Training in Free Norton Antivirus


There are a lot of sub-sections and FAQs in the website and Norton supply a range of video tutorials.

Here are some examples:

Norton Antivirus Free

There are more videos, depending on what you are looking for.

I think this is useful because what is obvious and easy to understand by one person, can be a technical nightmare for another.

So much computer stuff comes with little or no instruction these days. We are all different and have different experiences to draw on.

Norton Customer Service

Norton Antivirus Free

Click on “Live Chat” and you get this form to fill in:

Norton Antivirus Free

Personally, I do not get the feeling of this being very “LIVE.” Maybe they get a lot of hoaxes??

There are standard typical question and answers in the FAQs which may sort some problems out.

Norton Internet Security Pricing

Norton Antivirus Free
Norton Antivirus Free
Norton Antivirus Free
  • As you can see there are some slight variations from one country to another.
  • These prices for Norton are as of October 2018. Please check before you buy.
  • You will need to note that prices, for Norton, vary for 1 and 2 years and if you decide to go for an annual prepaid offer, the price will probably go up on the next year’s renewal.
  • In my experience, most companies, like Norton, offer a discount on renewal. They want to keep your custom after you have had their product for a year.
  • Please check on the day you read about Norton Free internet security or antivirus, the prices on that day. These big companies have promotions from time to time and they do not last forever.
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 Norton Antivirus Balance Pros and Cons

  • Be careful of comparison websites that claim they are ranking antivirus and internet security programmes. They often compare different versions of the software to encourage you to buy the one they get the best commission on.
  • My policy is to give you the information on each anti-virus or internet security separately and you can then make your own choices. Pleas compare like for like from the companies own websites.
  • Norton is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most reliable Antivirus and internet security companies in the world.
  • Norton Internet free security is often bundled with new machines and major programs.
  • This does not mean it is the best but it gets pretty close.
  • So, for you, it means doing your own due diligence on the day you plan to buy or test out the trial to Check Norton websites in your country and sift out the best option and best price for yourself.
  • Personally I find Norton a bit heavy handed and slows down the start up on my PCs. I think without the discounts Norton Antivirus is a bit on the expensive side.
  • Norton Internet Security is a better buy because it covers so many other aspects of security, including the antivirus and the discounts tend to be bigger.

Norton’s Antivirus Scam or no Scam

There is no way this could be a scam but always check the URL of the site you are on before buying anything.

Verdict: Norton Free Internet Security, Recommended or Not?

I definitely recommend Norton Internet Security, free or paid versions.

As I said earlier: check out the current prices and see if you can get a discount by clicking on 1 or 2 years. This will always be cheaper than paying monthly.

Product Name: Norton Free Antivirus / Free Internet Security


Price: See pricing above.

Owner: Symantec Corporation

Ranking: 10/10

There are other excellent free and paid for programs: for example:

Some specialise in a permanently free version but these are often limited to Antivirus protection and leave quite a lot of your online activity exposed to risk.

Thank you for reading this review of Norton Free Internet Security. and I hope it helps you to decide which Internet Security you will buy.

This review is my personal opinion based on some years of experience and a lot of really excellent training. We welcome honest views of all kinds.

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  1. better editor

    I think that nowadays we have to pay for everything. Antivirus is just not an exception. But Norton Antivirus System is not the best one.

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Norton antivirus free is as good as it can be without upgrading to a paid version.
      It is such a vital part of computer protection that it is advisable to get a paid version.
      There are now so many good antivirus programs that it really comes down to choice. This may also depend on what kind of internet user you are.
      Norton is one of the original and has been around a long time. I use a lot of emails so that is my consideration.

  2. professional revise page

    Am I the only person, who knows only about Avast and Kaspersky Antivirus? Anyway, I think that I will definitely try to use Norton Antivirus.

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Well, we live and learn. There are quite a few antivirus programs and Norton Antivirus Free is just one of them.
      The paid-for programs are always better and I would recommend paid for antivirus all the time.
      If you are dipping your foot in the water with antivirus programs, Norton Antivirus Free is a good place to start, to get used to having that kind of protection.

  3. Brenda

    A great review on Norton Antivirus! 

    I have to admit, I am the furthest from being computer literate, however your review outlined everything in an easy to understand format. The chart on the layers of protection that Norton offers was very interesting. You made sense of something that could be confusing for new users.

    Great work!

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thank you Brenda. That is encouraging because that is precisely what I like to do. We cannot all be experts on everything. I can drive a car but I am hazy about how exactly it works.

      There are so many types of potential security risk these days, it is like the wild west on the internet and I like to try and make sense of it for people.

      If I can help just a few people make good decisions, that is just good.

  4. Teresa

    Hi there

    I’m glad I’ve read your article as it has reminded me to go check my anti-virus software as it’s definitely due for renewal soon!

    I’m currently using Mcafee but have used Norton before in the past and never had any issues with them. I may consider going back with them once I know I’m due a renewal as their pricing isn’t all bad either. Thanks for the review.


    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Teresa

      I have just checked Norton prices and they have a really good offer on at the moment.

      Personally, I do not think there is much of a difference in quality between McAfee and Norton.

      They are both pretty good in tests done with real virus attack software.

      I have a personal opinion that the internet is a very active area and new threats come along all the time. No one person can possibly keep up with all the different types of threats and the latest viruses.

      Have a look at Norton just now, I think they have caught the black Friday spirit.

  5. Matt

    I liked this review you laid it out with enough information to where we all could know if this program is right for us. You also laid it out simple enough so the ones that aren’t all that technical  can understand what you are saying which is always a plus.

    I have used Norton’s products before I currently don’t use it now on my old computer I just forgot  to get it. luckily I never did any type of personal stuff on it so I wasn’t worried about personal information being stolen you know? I use a chromebook right now for the time being since my old computer isn’t the best but will look into security for it though.

    I can say I agree it is a good program for the ones that need the extra security on their computer and phones so I would recommend Norton Security too.

    Thanks for the informative insightful review of Norton’s. I hope the best 

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Matt

      One of the problems with internet security is that it is impossible to say what would have happened if you had NOT had it. Most antivirus programs quarantine or delete viruses before they become a threat and just let you know in their statistics. But who checks on that these days.

      I do think that attacks are becoming more subtle and clever.

      email and downloads are more likely to sneak something like malware into your system. They can blast a thousand emails out to your contact list, making it look like you are spamming your list. They can sneak malware in which waits until a specific event and trigger a series of problems that are difficult to source.

      Ransom ware has been prevalent recently and people’s devices have been encrypted and can only be unencrypted following a payment. there are some clever cookies out their nowadays.

      The more I research it the more careful I get.

      Thanks again for your comment.

  6. Tina

    Hi! This is a great post on Norton Antivirus software.

    I have not used Norton for my computer’s protection so I am unfamiliar with this company but I have most definitely heard of them. I think by this point almost everyone needs virus and malware protection on their computers. I know I need it since I run my business and personal affairs off my PC and phone daily. I personally use Bitdefender for my computer. It is a very fair price and offers wonderful protection as I have had no issues with my machine so far. 

    But I’m not so sure about phones. Are there real problems with Apple phones getting viruses? I have no protection on my phone but I have never had any problems with viruses and other attacks.

    Thanks for the post! 

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Hi Tina. Thanks for your comment.

      I am not an Apple expert, I need to clarify that straight away. I know that most internet security companies have a discreet program for Macs, so I assume that there must be a need.

      The user base for Macs is considerably smaller than for Windows based systems so there have been fewer attacks on Macs.

      I would not be complacent, however, because, assuming you use emails and contact large numbers of potential customers, you have got a risk that your email contacts list could be hacked and all your customers spammed, as though it came from you. I am not saying that WILL happen but that is more typically what can happen. That means your email system needs protecting.

      There are also a lot of fake emails that pretend to come from someone you know: e.g. banks asking you to confirm your password or your account will be locked. In reality, no bank would do that in that way, so it is invariably a random scam email. A good internet security program will identify most of those emails before they hit your inbox.

      Now, iPhones are something else again. Personally, I have never experienced an attack directly on my phone (Android,) but I have received obvious scam emails on it and they can load malware onto your phone, especially the new smart phones which are really miniature laptop computers.

      I do have a paid for anti virus on my phone because when I research the threats on the net, I see how many very clever ways phones, tablets and PCs can be hacked. Perhaps I am a little paranoid and like you, I run a business and my phone is an integral part of that.

      I hesitate to give you a black and white answer but perhaps call the customer support on Nortons and Kasperski and Eset and ask them these questions? It could be really important to you, I think.

  7. Ngonidzashe Manzwangani

    I am always online, but I am really afraid after reading this, because I don’t have any antivirus on my laptop to say the truth. The only Antivirus I have is Smadav, and someone told me its not all that a strong antivirus.

    What do I do when I want to download Norton Antivirus, I have tried to look for the link to download but I am failing.

    Thank you so much for shedding light on the use of antivirus.  

    1. HappyB (Post author)



      Thanks for the comment.

      Above are the two links to the UK and the USA Norton site. Their parent company is Symantec but you can usualy find the products under “Norton”

      I am not an affiliate and so just trying to help you.

      It will depend on the country you live in, as to which version you can buy.

      Smadav is a very lightweight antivirus and designed as an extra  rather a main antivirus product.

      I really doubt that it will give you any serious security.

      It is meant to be used in conjunction with another, main, internet security product. That is their own claim, on their own website.

      I cannot understand that because my experience of running 2 security programs is my computer runs slow and makes  a lot of problems.

      I hope I have helped you and good luck in your search.

  8. Olonisakin Kehinde

    For a long time Norton Antivirus has been making a name for themselves in the internet security space, there is no doubt about that.  In fact, my first ever antivirus was Norton and I really enjoyed it.  Maximum protection is guaranteed. 

    If you really want to enjoy the full package in Norton,  you should upgrade to the paid version. 

    There is much more protection in the paid versions.

    I highly recommend Norton Antivirus.

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thank you.

      Yes, I agree.

      There is protection in the free version but it does not cover everything. It is well worth the investment in the full internet security, paid for, version.

      What price would you put on your identity and bank details?


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