Is The Az Code a Scam


Is The Az Code a Scam


Andrew Peterson is “The Az Code” Software owner. This review will, step by step, guide you through what The Az Code is about? Is it a scam or legit? Does The Az Code (The Amazon Code)  software really work? Read this review before you make a decision if this software is a money making system or not. Let’s go.


  • What is The Az Code ( The Amazon Code) About?
  • Is The Az Code a scam or Legit?
  • 60 days Money Back Guarantee
  • Is The Az Code Worth it?
  • Compared to other training platforms

The Az Code review





Name               : The Az Code (The Amazon code)

Official Website:

Owner              : Andrew Peterson

Price                : $37.00 (one time) + Upsell

Refund             : 60 days Money Back Guarantee

Overall Rating  : 4.5/10 



my recommended program


What is The Az Code About?


The Az Code is a new marketing software. The owner, Andrew Peterson, claims that signing-up for his software, “The Az Code,” can help you make big money, $3000, in Amazon commissions, from day one.


He also claims that you do not need any previous experience. Beginners and experienced affiliates are welcome. He claims that you can make a monthly Amazon Affiliate commission of $45,003.802. This is a lot.

The Az Code review


From my online affiliate marketing experience, I do not think that making money online is that easy and quick. I know that you need to put a lot of hard work into it and learn online business knowledge This is really necessary.


Combining this two together and understanding how affiliate marketing works are really necessary. All this needs to take a lot of time, and everyone understands things in different ways. We all have different knowledge and experience in the beginning.


The online business knowledge includes so many parts and you need to learn them and learn how to put them all together. Maybe then, you will start to make money.


This is all depends on individual effort. Some people work hard and understand how to gather what they learn and build their money-making website online, quite quickly. Other people may take a little longer to absorb all the detail and put it into practice 



Is The Az Code a scam or Legit?


I do not think the The Az Code is a scam, otherwise the Clickbank marketing team wouldn’t approve it. The Az Code sales video makes me feel like I want to make money quickly because he claims you can make money from day one.


From my experience this is low-quality software. When you buy The Az code software, it costs $37/-, he claims that this is a onetime payment. Actually he tries to upsell you more software. He does not let you know about this extra payment before you sign up. It is a hidden price in his program.

The Az Code review


60 days Money Back Guarantee


The good thing is if you buy the “The Az Code” software and do not like this software. You can get your money back within 60 days guaranteed. If you are really like to try it and prove it works for you. That is your choice. Only $37/. No big risk. You do learn some valuable knowledge if you are beginner. 


Is The Az Code a scam

Is The Az Code Worth it?


When you buy The Az Code software, you will only get PDF eBook. You do not get any video training or training lesson. You are beginners how you know you can do this without any online knowledge. Absolutely not, you will feel confuse, frustrate and give up.  


The owner of “The Az Code” software Andrew Peterson claim that when you access the Amazon code system you will started making money. No…No…, this make me feel like money making machine or overnight rich scheme.


You do not feel disappointed, this world still has some very good online business training waiting for you. I am strongly recommending you to join this online training platform to get started and to know them first and make your own decision. You do not want that program or software ask you to pay first and if you not happy and ask for refund.


Free to join and you can get 2 free website and training lessons walk you through. I hope you enjoy. This is the top no.1 online training Link below.


my recommended program


Go Compare to Other Training Platform


My personal experiences buy anything before you find some same type and different make products. Put there together and compare them and know them before you are making decision. 


The good products owners like to tell everything about the product. Become an affiliate and make money what you need to know. I am going to show you the process of become an affiliate marketer and make money online. This training platform has above 800,000 members happily enjoyed their training, even some people already joined above 10 years.


  • Training – This online business training very important for all of the affiliate marketers and online business owner. Online business training is to help you to learn or update your online knowledge and skills
  • Website – you need to have a website. Website is your long term online business foundation. Without website you cannot have long term online business plan, because your customer cannot trust you.
  • Niche – Thousands and thousands product out that, you can choose the product you like and also need to have depended on the market. Or you also can turn your hobby into your niche, you want to choose. That would be wonderful you can enjoy things you like to do most.
  • Register your website domain name – when you know what you want to going to do, then you can help your website to choose a domain name. If you still have not idea, best way to choose your domain name use Keywords tool to help you and give you a lot of ideas.
  • Website builder – This website builder to help you build your website in no time.
  • WordPress theme – you have a lot of different themes to choose. You can choose the theme you like, the colour, the layout, etc.
  • Website Hosting – This very important for online business, the right hosting can help your website speed up. The good website maintenance and service in your back can help you focus your online business without struggle. This is very important need to remember that.
  • 24/7 Website security and service
  • Free 30 Keyword research tool
  • Website contents – You need to building up your website a lot of contents. Consistent blog/post your article on your website is the way to go.


If you want to start your business online proper way and for long-term business plan, this is my no.1 recommendation online business training platform for you. You can learn while you make money. The training platform also offers for beginners getting started free and you also get 2 free websites. Click the link below to get started.


my recommended program


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  1. Renton

    Yep, I agree! If they promise you quick easy money its a scam! No question about it. I think the biggest problems with scams like the AZ Code is that it is far more deceptive than what you see at first glance.

    They promise people all these impossible riches  from the beginning and when they fail those people may be inclined to give up on the entire online business world.

    It is sad because there are actual business opportunities for you to make money but there are also a lot of scams.

    Real business take hard work and provide quality goods or services to someone in exchange for money, that is an easy way to spot a scam.

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Renton. You are right.

      So many scams make amazing promises but do not explain what exactly you are buying, until you have paid the price. They will often follow up with proposals for you to spend more money to speed things up and get you going quicker. Still without actually revealing what you are paying for.

      When people fail to earn money, they offer them another “upgrade” to help them along. It is just a waste of money.

      Often the process they teach you is questionable in its legality and will often get you banned from Facebook or other social media. This means starting again and setting up new accounts etc.

      Wealthy Affiliates does offer a genuine training program and support. What people often forget is the overhead costs behind building a secure website, e.g. the hosting and security.

      Wealthy Affiliate includes these and if you calculate the cost of this, it is more than the membership price of Wealthy affiliate. That makes the training almost free.

      It does take time and hard work to build a sustainable business. It also takes good training and support.

  2. Daniel

    I think that it is definitely not worth it. I mean, there are many legitimate jobs online where people can work and not have to pay for some low quality program which will have no result at all.

    I saw your number 1 recommendation and that is where people should invest their money because we always should work with trusted platforms and people.

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Daniel

      I am in total agreement with you.

      To prey on vulnerable people and scam them in this way is not really acceptable.

      Wealthy Affiliate has over 1.4 million members now. If their training did not work, people would not stay.

      If ever an offer seems to good to be true, it probably is a scam.

      If you are offered overnight riches, it is a scam.

      There is no easy way to make a lot of money instantly on the net that is also legal and honest.

      Personally, I want no part of those scams and I hope to dteer people away from them.

      One honest route to success in internet business is through Wealthy Affiliate. Their training is


      up to date


      complete and

      the support, both technical and motivational is fantastic.

  3. Sharon Whyte

    I have seen many of these types of programs and they are just rubbish.  They offer the world and you have to do so little work.  It just doesn’t happen like this.  You have to do hard work online and there is no easy way out!  

    I definitely like the Wealthy Affiliate program and the fact that, it is free to join and check out, speaks volumes. 

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Sharon.

      You are right, the projected earnings are totally unrealistic. There is the basis for a business there but they skip over the important part: attracting visitors to your website. Without that, there is no business.

      They have changed their emphasis to “selling a downloadable eBook,” which is probably more realistic, because the training they offer is very basic and not enough to teach you how to be successful.

      They have also reduced their price to $27 for the time being.

      If anyone really wants to learn how to do affiliate marketing properly, then Wealthy Affiliate is the only complete training program I have found. ( I have looked hard.)

      As you say, it is free to join and free to leave. The free membership gives you the basic training and 2 free website hosting. That is worth at least $100 for the training and $120 for the years hosting.

      I find that an act of good faith that is unusual in business.

  4. sharmila sampath

    The Az code looks like one of those “get rich quick” schemes.
    Thanks for the heads up, I was about to sign up and waste my money.
    I think it makes sense to play the long game and look at a free membership in Wealthy Affiliate.

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks for your comment Sharmila.
      Apologies for not replying sooner.
      One day there will be some kind of filter on these scams. It is such a pity that people who need to earn money get ripped off by schemes like these.
      It really is ruthless exploitation.
      I have never found a genuine, honest, legal quick way to make money on the internet.
      Wealthy Affiliate has at least given me the training and support I have needed to get going.
      The rest is up to me.
      Good luck with your training.

  5. Alice A.

    Thank you for an honest review of the Az Code.

    When I was looking for ways to make money online for the first time, I wanted a system that does everything for me and that guarantees an income without putting a lot of work. I mean, who does not want that, right?

    However, I have learned that anything that’s too good to be true is most probably not true at all. The promise of making money right away after just accessing the Az Code system is already a red flag to me.

    And one more thing, I get turned off by up sells. Although the Az Code offers a money-back guarantee, I still don’t think I wanna give it a try after reading what you have to say.

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks for your comment Alice.

      I know from my own experience and from others in the Wealthy Affiliate blogs that simply registering with Amazon takes days and sometimes weeks.

      Amazon does not like any tiny flaws in their registration process. They are very particular.

      They also like you to have an active website that has good content and is at least ranking in Google.

      It cannot be done in a day, so claims of instant riches are hard to believe.

      The issue of attracting traffic is rarely seriously covered in these “Get Rich” programs. If you have a new website with little content, you are not going to get traffic to it. Cloned websites with nearly identical content will probably be rejected by Google’s algorithms, as well.

      I think you are much better off with Wealthy Affiliate.

  6. JeffWA

    I have to be honest. Immediately clicking on the link that re-directed to this AZ Code’s homepage of their site placed early in your article, I was not at all impressed with the cheap looking, one-page website, (complete with obligatory video) that served the purpose of enticing people to get in on this opportunity. It reminds me of similar phony online business opportunities seen a decade or so ago that were nothing but scams. One-page websites that looked to have been designed by a 7 year old kid. No thanks to whatever product this opportunity had to offer.

    The creator of this program, Andrew Peterson as you stated in your article served notice that anyone choosing to purchase his new marketing software, would only need to realize that it was designed to help him/her to more easily sell products on Amazon. Why Peterson even made the outrageous claim that earning several thousand dollars per day, and fairly soon after purchasing the software would almost be simple. This has the look, feel and foul odor smell of a get-rich-quick opportunity. Then Peterson states that only through his software, a person has the possibility of making a half million dollars per year, as the program is something “never before seen”. A bunch of bull.

    The program also has the obligatory scam-like upsell as only making a purchase at the advertised price of $37, (one-time fee) unfortunately what would actually represent the product unfortunately would not entitle the person to receive everything that, supposedly, AZ Code has to offer. This whole program would be a huge rip-off to the individual who foolishly forked over money for the initial product.

    Your #1 recommendation that you discussed towards the bottom of your article, Wealthy Affiliate is a much, MUCH better option for a person who is serious about trying to make money online through running a business!


    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks for that in depth comment Jeff.

      I have to agree that once I have seen so many of these over blown claims and little evidence, my nose gets twitchy.

      I believe a lot of these schemes have some potential but so much is hidden from view.

      With Wealthy Affiliate, nothing is hidden. You can even try out their basic courses and systems free.

      I think the problem with Wealthy Affiliate is that it is almost too good.

      You do have to do some study and actually do the business. That takes time and too many people think there must be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, they just have to find it. Sorry, but the rainbow never ends and it is an illusion.

      You are right, it is about being serious but also having fun. The community in Wealthy Affiliate is great and very supportive.

      Thanks a gain and good luck with your own efforts.

  7. moderngeomancy

    Great review. I’m an affiliate marketer wannabe, and have tried many products, all of which failed to live up to their promises. However, I’ve read and seen many successful stories and will continue to work hard to realise my dreams of achieving financial independence via affiliate marketing. My take is that as a beginner, it is not very useful to just have PDF training. Interactive training, motivation, videos, step by step guides, and most importantly mentorship are what will affect the success rates of a beginner!

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks for your comment.

      Everyone learns in different way but the interactive training Wealthy Affiliate offers is superb.

      It is difficult, as a beginner, to know what kind of business you really will feel comfortable with.

      The active member support and mentoring available W.A. is second to none. We are not all good at the same things and so we learn at different speeds.

      I hope you have tried Wealthy Affiliate, even if only as a free member, because you can certainly get a feel for this kind of business and see if you like it, for nothing.

  8. Grant

    I know that Amazon is one of the “go-to” companies for affiliate marketers. That said, I haven’t heard of the AZ code before. You’d think that if it was so great everyone would be using it. I agree with you, what bothers me are the outlandish income claims that they make. Do you know of anyone who’s tried it?

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Grant, for the comment.

      The difficulty with a lot of these programs, promoted on the net, is that there are reviews but actual users are thin on the ground. If people feel they are being scammed, they rarely publish it. If they are making a success then I assume they are too busy to review and give away their modus operandi.

      I have tried many similar schemes myself in the past and recognise the patterns of structure, without having to cough up myself.

      I do not believe the awesome claims myself, however, I do know people who are making a decent living from Amazon, as affiliates.

      If you do not have capital to invest in products, premises, promotion or people, Affiliate Marketing can actually get you into business for a fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time.

      It is not a simple process to get an affiliate relationship with Amazon but it is achievable. With their range of products, running into millions, there must be a niche or two there to find?

      I like Wealthy Affiliate, since they teach you all these basics and how to achieve all of this.

  9. Karen Noone

    I have heard about the AZ code and thought about joining as the price is quite low but if you don’t get the full training for this price then I am afraid it sounds like a scam to me.
    Your alternative does sound like a great learning platform.
    Are there any upsells once you get inside it ?

    1. HappyB (Post author)

      Thanks Karen

      In Wealthy Affiliate there are no upsells.

      As you become more successful and start to earn money, there are some programs you can invest in to make life easier. They are not necessary from the beginning.

      Keyword searches can be made easier with JAAXY.

      Graphics can be made easier with CANVA., (actually free.)

      Email marketing can be made easier with several different programmes which cost more, the more emails you send.

      Once you understand the different aspects of an online business, it is possible to outsource various parts. This costs money and you would probably only do that if you were earning enough to expand your existing business.

      To reiterate.

      There are no upsells in Wealthy affiliate.


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