Make Money With YouTube Views
Making money with YouTube (YouTube Secrets) means vlogging regularly. Get loads of views on YouTube, you make lots of money, or is it easier than that? YouTube Secrets says yes.
There are several different ways to monetise YouTube and YouTube Secrets utilises one. You can make money with YouTube but it has become a little harder recently. YouTube views is one way and you can read about the others in this review.
Sometimes “blogging” on YouTube is called “vlogging.”
This review covers “YouTube Secrets.com” and “utubecash.com. Both have the same URL and identical wording.
Product Name: YouTube Secrets / utubecash.com
Website : www.utubecash.com
Price : $1 for 7-day trial. $27 per month
Owner : Mike Williams
Ranking : 35/100 (Not Recommended)
Make Money With YouTube Overview
Initial video with usual irritating, overloud electronic music in the background.
A man, (who does not introduce himself,) chatting.
Claims of $10,000 / month from YouTube without creating your own videos.
Claims that you do not have to make your own videos, you can use certain existing ones, edit them and use them to make money.
YouTube even provide a free editor to help you do this.
Here he is with his claim that you need no experience or knowledge to start this business.
What is “Make Money With YouTube” about
There are different ways to use YouTube to make money. They all involve marketing products or services.
- Linking your YouTube account to an Adsense account.
- Affiliate links.
- Digital product sales e-books
- Digital Camera pre-sets
- Tutorials
- Photoshop Actions
- Mobile Phone apps
- How to eBooks
- Stock Images
- Training and courses.
What Does “Make Money With YouTube“ Do?
Clicking the buy button, you come through to the special offer of 7 days for a $1. This appears to have a time limit on it. Ignore that, it is just updated to today’s date, automatically. If you open the site in another browser tomorrow, it will have that day’s date on it.
This where they explain the payments and guarantees. This program is marketed through Click bank and all Click bank products have a 60-day guarantee, money back. You would claim this from Click bank directly. (The $1 offer is not guaranteed.)
There is one point here about the name of the product: it appears that “utubecash” and “YouTube Secrets” are the same. Look at the “membership” card.
This is not mysterious; they have attempted to market the same product under 2 different names. It is a bit muddled though.
The Good in “Make Money With YouTube”
There is a product and there is training. Often with programs of this type, there is no real product at the end.
A 60-day guarantee, as always with Click Bank products.
The Bad in “Make Money With YouTube”
Unsupported promises of large income.
Testimonials appear to be from people who are affiliates and selling the program. In other words, they are probably not genuine. Notice that there are no dates on the testimonials. If they were unsolicited comments, there would be a date on them.
A lot has changed in 2018 regarding making money through YouTube. It has become more difficult. You really need 100s of thousands of views to really make any money. This is possible but takes time.
The product they want you to promote is their own, “YouTube Secrets.” So you end up paying them to have permission to sell their product. Always makes me think hard, that one.
Who is “Make Money With YouTube” For?
I do think that a beginner could learn some of the internet business techniques from this program.
I am concerned that some of the techniques used are not exactly morally correct. This can lead to your website being blocked and other consequences.
It is a pity, because there are perfectly good, realistic ways of using YouTube and it is not really necessary to go this route that “YouTube Secrets” recommends.
You could easily lose money and credibility.
Who is “Make Money With YouTube” Not For
If you need money fast or have no experience of the world of internet marketing, this could be a program littered with pitfalls.
There is no easy, fast and certain way to consistently make money off the internet. This is because if there were such a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, why would anyone sell it for a $27 a month?
That means there have to some catches: As soon as you are signed up, they will offer you to sell their own program as an affiliate. That will earn you about $14 a sale.
It appears to be simple to use their websites, their YouTube videos etc etc. But, since there is nothing new or organic in the process, you will be doing the same as 100s of others. Google does not like duplicating and will quickly discover what you are doing. Their reaction is to ensure that your video does not get on page 1. Game over.
Tools and Training in “Make Money With YouTube”
In YouTube Secrets, there are 46 videos and 17 PDFs, although the documentation seems to vary a little on this.
Some of the things that are covered:
Some one-on-one consultation with the man himself, is promised and that would be potentially good.
There are other, better programs where you can get a whole host of training and one-to-one and then apply the training to many different marketing strategies, including YouTube.
“Make Money With YouTube” Support
This indicates that there are support people at the end of an email who can help you.
Remember, it is in their interest that you make money, so if you do decide to have a go, use the support a lot.
“Make Money With YouTube” Pricing and Upsells
7-day trial $1, $27 a month after that.
As far as I can see, there are no other upsells.
Balance Pros and Cons of “Make Money With YouTube”
In their “FAQs” I came across this question.
What if I want to shoot my own unique video and make money from that?
Yes, you can also make money from your own videos as we will teach you how to get thousands or even millions of views from your YouTube channel. Our training includes how to create your own channel, how to promote, how to get views and subscribers and many more!
So they will teach you the basics of how to get started. You can get all that free on YouTube.
60-day money back guarantee on all Click Bank products.
“Make Money With YouTube” Scam or no Scam
I am always reluctant to call a program a scam when they do deliver a product.
Whether YouTube Cash or YouTube Secrets is worth the money, is a different issue.
Verdict: “Make Money With YouTube” Recommended or Not
I cannot recommend this unless you are sharp and serious about making an online business. You must be prepared to learn everything you can in 4 to 6 weeks so that you can get your money back under the 60-day guarantee. A word of advice: don’t leave it to the last minute to claim back.
Product Name: YouTube Secrets or YouTube Cash
Website : www.utubecash.com
Price : $1 for 7-day trial. $27 per month
Owner : Mike Williams
Ranking : 35/100 (Not Recommended)
An alternative to “YouTube Secrets” or “utubecash”
After investigating utubecash or YouTube Secrets, I feel that there may be some substance in their products but it all seems a bit dated and not very “fresh.”
There are more dynamic, realistic ways of building an online business.
For a genuine free trial, click below.
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