What is Jaaxy about
You may ask; what is Jaaxy about? Jaaxy is the best keyword research tool for SEO. The Jaaxy keyword research tool is for bloggers, small businesses, website owners, affiliate marketers and SEO professionals.
It helps to find and research which words people put into Google search engine or any other search engines. To find out and analyse which words or phrases people use most often; to analyse the search.
- Name : Jaaxy
- Price : $0 Free (30 searches)
- Website : www.jaaxy.com
- Owners : Kyle & Carson
- Verdict : Recommended ( Wonderful tool)
Jaaxy is the Powerful Tool.
Jaaxy is a powerful tool for you to research business niches, domain insights, “low hanging fruit” (keyword) and analyse the competition’s behaviour; how you can stand out from your competitors.
What is the Best Keyword Research Tool for SEO?
The best keyword research tool for SEO is the Jaaxy research tool. I am a member of Jaaxy and I can tell you from experience it has saved me days of work and thrown up ideas and suggestions which I would never have thought of.
From my experience with Jaaxy I can tell you that Jaaxy is awesome and is the best keyword tool for SEO.
Like Jaaxy.
I would like to recommend this great keyword tool (Jaaxy) to you. You will like Jaaxy. If you are an online business owner, Blogger, affiliate marketer or an SEO professional, then the Jaaxy keyword tools can help you to save tons of time and work researching and analysing how to find “low hanging fruit keyword.”
“Low Hanging Fruit.”
The explanation: when you look at a search engine page you have just landed on, do you ever look beyond page 1?
For example, if you are looking for a new watch: you might describe the watch as “Rolex Oyster antique watch wanted.” There are 476,000 answers. Do you look at them all? I would guess at: ”No!”
You will probably click on a few of the answers on the first page. At a push you might have a peek at page two. You are much more likely to try entering a different search phrase.
Very few people go beyond page 2 in their search.
Imagine you are selling those watches. You will want your posts or blogs to appear there on page one. “Search Engine Optimisation.”
In order to do that you will need to know:
- What phrases or words people are typing into the search engines.
- How many people search using a specific word or phrase?
- How many answers there are, already using that phrase. (Your competition.)
What you want is a lot of people searching for your phrase and not much competition. Using that phrase in your content / blogs / reviews will increase your chance of getting on the first page. = low hanging fruit.
This is a slight simplification but the principle is there.
JAAXY is a fantastic tool for helping you find the “low hanging fruit,” fast.
Jaaxy Benefits.
Jaaxy keyword research tool can benefits help your content to rank higher in Google and other search engines.
Jaaxy Allows You to Sign-Up and Get 30 Searches Completely Free.
To give you the opportunity to experience all the benefits of using this software. It is awesome. You can use the Jaaxy tool to analyse your competitor’s results, very quickly, to find the low hanging fruit. It can save you hours and hours of time and hard work.
How Jaaxy Works.
The best way to figure out how Jaaxy works is to sign up and try it (It is genuinely completely FREE.) You can find out for yourself better than a thousand words can explain. I find it fun digging out those key words and phrases within my niche.
Jaaxy Download.
The great thing is that; when you use the Jaaxy Keyword research tool, you do not need to download anything. It is an online tool. You can use Jaaxy anywhere you want to as long as you have an internet connection.
Jaaxy Blog.
This is the Jaaxy blog address: www.jaaxy.com
Jaaxy Free Trial.
Sign up for a Jaaxy free account and you will get the trial 30 free JAAXY researches. This is an opportunity for you to use the free keyword tool to find some low hanging fruit keywords for your own content. This will help you to get free traffic from the search engines. (Remember, JAAXY is not only for Google, but all search engines.)
Jaaxy Sign Up.
It is very easy for you to sign up to Jaaxy and get your free 30 keyword researches. You just need to key in your name, email address, a password you create and click “Create a FREE Account.” See the image shown below.
Jaaxy Login.
After you have created your free Jaaxy account then you just need to click the login at the bottom. See the image shown below.
After you click “login” at the bottom, Jaaxy will open another window for you to put in your email, password and click the log in at the bottom. See the image shown below.
Jaaxy Images.
Jaaxy has two images also called a logo.
- The old Jaaxy image (also Logo) shown below.
2. The new Jaaxy image (also Logo) shown below.
Is Jaaxy Legit.
Is Jaaxy legit? Yes. Jaaxy is a legit keyword research tool for everyone. Anyone who wants their website or blog to rank higher in the Google search engine, needs JAAXY. You can use Jaaxy to find out which keywords have less competition and target that keyword to get more free traffic to your website. (Traffic” = visitors.)
Jaaxy Affiliate Program.
Jaaxy also has an affiliate program for affiliate marketers to promote. It is a wonderful tool for internet marketers, website or blog owners, web developers and SEO professionals to find accurate audiences, the competition and domain insights. Using the Jaaxy Keyword tool, you can quickly discover who your target audience are and build your marketing campaign around this knowledge.
This will increase your chances of success enormously.
Jaaxy Affiliate Link.
Jaaxy affiliate program welcomes you to promote their product and so earn yourself monthly or yearly recurring money. Get the link by clicking the image below.
Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool.
When you research the keywords JAAXY will show you:
Avg, Traffic, QSR, KQI, SEO and Domain in columns to the right.
This analysis will give you the statistics to help you make decisions about what keywords to use: which keywords you can use to stand out from the crowd and get visitors to your site.
Keyword – A phrase or word that people type into search engine to look for.
Avg – some phrase that people search for. The average number of searches made per month.
Traffic – if you rank on the first page in the search engine, the number of visitors to your website.
QSR – Quoted Search Results. this is that how many competitors you have using this keyword/phrase.
KQI – Keyword Quality Indicator. Green-Great, Yellow-Normal and Red-Poor. A kind of traffic light that gives you a strong indicator as to whether this keyword or phrase is going to benefit you.
SEO – the higher the score, the better the SEO. You have high chance of ranking on the first page.
Domain – availability of domains that are related to your keyword. With suggestions as to which ones are available and not taken already by another company.
Jaaxy Pricing.
There are 3 difference types of Jaaxy membership options you can join.
Is Jaaxy Good.
Jaaxy is a good, awesome, legit and powerful keyword tool. 100% recommended.
Who Owns Jaaxy.
Kyle and Carson created Jaaxy. They are Professional Internet marketers and successful at making money online. From their experience, they know how to drive free traffic to a website. Jaaxy is a powerful keyword tool for internet marketers.
They realise that a lot of people want to make money online too, so that they founded and created the Wealthy Affiliate University training platform.
It is designed to help people who really want to succeed on the internet and follow their successful foot-steps to success. Their courses and support mean people, from all walks of life, can learn how to build a business online, how to make it successful and sustain the business long term.
This makes them experts I; what do internet marketers need? They realised that a lot of research and time went into finding good strong keywords. So they developed JAAXY, which does nearly all the work for you.
Jaaxy SEO Power Tool.
The basic Jaaxy SEO power tool can quickly research your words and phrases. The result arrives almost instantaneously, saving hours, (maybe days,) of complicated work.
The results will give you more data to analyse. These results will help you to find the “low hanging fruit.”
Jaaxy can help you get high quality traffic in the long run and save you time for you to focus on other things to build your business.
Jaaxy Site Rank.
You can use the Jaaxy tool to search and track your website article rankings in the Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines. It is very helpful for you to know where your article is placed on the search engine page. We call this the ranking. The best position to be in is number one on page 1.
Part of the Wealthy Affiliate training will show you how to get your ranking high.
Google can also track your website’s article ranking. Only when your website article ranks on page 1 or 2, can it be easy to find and will also easily get traffic from the search engines.
Jaaxy Tools.
JAAXY has several built-in tools.
Jaaxy tools have several different functions: Search, SiteRank, Training, Niches, Competition, Domains, Alphabet Soup, Saved Lists, Search History, Search Analysis and Brainstorm etc.
Jaaxy Search – to search keyword or phrase.
Jaaxy SiteRank – to check your website in the search engine and see what position it is in.
Jaaxy Training – video training to show you how to use the Jaaxy tools.
Jaaxy Niches – to help you find the niches you want to know about and suggest more ideas.
Jaaxy Competition – Through the search results analysis, which keywords have less competition from other marketers, but there are many people searching for.
Jaxxy Domains – you can use the tool to find your niche’s domain’s availability. They will also give you an idea of how good these domains are – good, middle and bad. You can choose the good domain ideas.
Jaaxy Alphabet Soup tool – you can this tool to analyse keywords from A-Z to find the best one. Give you an advanced, quick way to get people to your website from the search engines.
Jaaxy Saved Lists tool – You can find your keywords and can use this tool to save your lists and story them. Anytime you can come back to them and use them.
Jaaxy Search History – when you are doing searches, it will automatically save your newest searches, up to 10 lists.
Jaaxy Search Analysis – You can analyse your use of keywords in the search engine, the position and the competitor’s from search engine lists. To compare yourself and other competitors, how you are doing and how you can do better and rank higher in the search engines.
Jaaxy Brainstorm – When you use this tool, brainstorm can also give you many more exciting ideas to improve your content and make your business more successful. You can save these ideas for future reference.
Jaaxy Help.
Remember, if you get stuck using Jaaxy there is an excellent help and support tab. They have comprehensive videos showing you how to set-up and use the different tools within Jaaxy.
This is an excellent place to start and get a clear idea of all the wonderful, powerful tools Jaaxy has available.
Jaaxy Pro Account & Jaaxy Enterprise.
If you want to sign up for a Jaaxy Pro Account just click the image below. It will link you to the option you have chosen.
Hope it helps you. All the best!
- Name : Jaaxy
- Price : $0 Free (30 searches)
- Website : www.jaaxy.com
- Owners : Kyle & Carson
- Verdict : Recommended ( Wonderful tool)
Hi, nice article. But, I’m confused… how many monthly keyword searched do you get with the Pro package? It says unlimited ‘search history’ but it doesn’t say how many monthly searches you get. Other than, everything from ‘starter’. So does this mean just 30 searches per month?
Look forward to your reply.
Thanks Sarah.
The 30 searches per month applies to the free trial version.
The unlimited searches applies to the Pro version. There is no limit to the number of searches you can do.
You also get more search results in the Pro version.
I hope this helps you. Jaaxy Keyword research tool
Thank you for writing this post on Jaaxy. I must confess that I too use Jaaxy as my Online SEO keyword search tool. Mainly I use it for the reason that you said – I feel that by using Jaaxy I give my posts the opportunity to be ranked higher in the search engines that they other wise would have. I am aware of the site rank feature, but my website is still quite new so I haven’t focussed to much on this part of Jaaxy yet. I really like how you are encouraging people to have a go with 30 free searches. I encourage anyone to give it a go. I was just wondering what is your #1 thing that you use Jaaxy for?
Thank you Glenys for your comment.
I use Jaaxy primarily as a source of keywords for titles and subtitles. I also use it to brain storm for ideas.
This is slightly limited with the free version.
Jaxxy is just so amazing that it would leave anyone with there mouth open because this tool is really awesome and right on point when looking for the best keywords base on your niche.
I believe that every blogger need a tool like jaxxy to be able to have a better reach and to go SEO.
Thanks Norman. You are so right. A combination of good keywords and quality content is at the heart of a good blog. Since SEO is a vital concern in internet business, we need a tool like Jaaxy.
I am just getting started with blogging and beginning to understand the importance of keyword research. The information you have provided here is most helpful in understanding the “best practices” involved. Keep the articles coming. I feel like I need a lot more help.
Thanks Joel. I am glad that you found the article helpful.
There are more articles and reviews on the way. Jaaxy is such an important source of information regarding keywords and SEO.
If you are serious about internet business, a deep understanding of SEO and keywords is necessary.
Jaaxy helps to find the most powerful keywords and the Wealthy Affiliate courses teach you how to use them.
A bit like a piece of music, a review or blog can evolve and improve with time and practice. Good with your own project.
Great job. I also have the free version of Jaxxy but I guess i haven’t explored all its possibilities yet. This was very informative and enlightening. I am now going to revisit Jaxxy. It never hurts to keep on learning. Thank you for all the info and good luck to you.
Thank you Lene. For people in the internet business world and even for bloggers promoting a hobby or interest group, there is one key element to becoming successful, traffic. Traffic means visitors to the website. The most difficult nut to crack. More visitors means more potential sales.
the principle way to get more traffic is to use keywords and key-phrases. these are the one people are searching for on the net. This is where Jaaxy is superb.
The free version certainly has a limited number of searches but plan your searches well and you will get a much clearer picture of what people are looking for.
Good luck with your enterprise.
Very informative website. I also have Jaxxy but I have not explored all its possibilities yet. I really hope you can get your business off and running. You definitely are off to a great start. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for you comment. Keywords are at the heart of all internet marketing and Jaaxy is a wonderful tool to enable you find the best keywords available. Good Luck with your own business as well.
This is a very comprehensive detailed and informative post on what is Jaaxy about. A real time saver having all this information available to explain everything about Jaaxy. It really is an excellent tool for anyone operating a website. Is there an option to pay the fees on an annual basis?
Hi Tania. Yes.
You can pay for Jaaxy with an annual payment.
There is in fact much more to Jaaxy than I have written about. I did not want to overload my readers with detail.
Once you have accustomed yourself to using Jaaxy, you will find yourself using it more and more .
When you do a search on a Word or phrase, it does not always come up to expectations. It is not always good enough, so you will need to look at some of the other suggestions Jaaxy has and maybe feed a slightly modified phrase in for analysis.
It is quite intuitive and comes up with suggestions for domain names and other useful suggestions.
Hope this helps and thanks for your comment.
Hey there! I just started created my website and there’s some words that I heard. I heard jaaxy before but I really don’t know what is it for. Luckily, I read and found your article about jaaxy which is very informative and helpful. I didn’t know jaaxy will help me with the key words that people use in google and this is great for me to invite more people to my website and increase my traffic. Thank you for sharing this and I will surely use this tool to help me to be successful.
Thanks for your comment John.
I used the Wealthy Affiliate Keyword tool first and learnt a lot about keywords. then I used the free part of Jaaxy and that stretched my knowledge of keywords an I could see how much more I could do to improve the SEO of my sites. Jaaxy has so many extra bits that once I get into keyword searches and variations, I end up spending hours doing research and making notes.
I am happy you have found it interesting, it is also such an important part of what we do.
Good luck with your business.
What a thorough review of Jaaxy. I have tried a few keyword tools but nothing like the Jaaxy platform. It gives so much information and you have so many variations of keywords in seconds. I also like the Site Rank feature to see where my pages are ranking. A really good keyword tool that I highly recommend.
Thanks Sharon.
Yes, I do agree. There are many parts to a business and a keyword tool is an essential part of any internet business.
The suggested alternative keywords and the detailed analysis of each one are invaluable.
I cannot see any way to avoid having this tool, a keyword analyser; it so helpful.
Finding powerful keywords is hard enough, doing it without such a tool is close to impossible.
Jaaxy was my first keyword tool ever and it’s definitely the best one out there in my opinion. I have tried a couple of others but jaaxy is still my favorite. It has a very simple design and everything is easy to understand. And I love how it suggest many other keywords to what you’re already searching for. Sometimes I would search for a keyword to write on a specific topic but I end up writing about something different.
Thanks Rich.
I am with you on that one. Once I had used JAAXY, I was so surprised at the information it gave me, I often ended up using different keywords. Sometimes it meant rewriting a little of my content, but generally it was just about selectively changing certain words and phrases.
Getting relevant ideas for writing good text is sometimes difficult. Using JAAXY generates a range of ideas and suggestions, many of which I would never have considered.
The suggestions for domain names etc is often useful as well.
It is a key tool in any internet marketers toolbox.
Thank you for your positive review of Jaxxy. Are there any cons to the website? I can see through your post that it is a very helpful tool for affiliate marketing. I have not tried this tool yet, but would be interested to know if there are any cons, because right now it is a little bit pricey for me. However, I can see how I will need it on the long run.
Also, are there any promotions or deals that lower the price? For instance, an annual plan?
Thanks Oscar
Are there any cons to JAAXY? I have found that using a Keyword Research Tool is essential for doing business on the internet. I started with the Wealthy Affiliates free tool and then began using the free version of JAAXY. I found that it saved an enormous amount of time and often indicated alternative keywords that would be more useful and potentially profitable. I was over the moon.
Then I paid for the Pro version. Not only were there more searches but the range of analysis it offered opened my eyes to many more possibilities.
There are other search engine optimisations based around Keyword research and I have never found anything as good as JAAXY.
Are there any cons? No.
The price may seem a little high if you look at the Pro version, so, if you have a premium membership of Wealthy Affiliate, you can upgrade to the JAAXY Lite version, Free. Note, this is for premium members of Wealthy Affiliate only.
If you feel that investing in JAAXY is too expensive, I would ask you: how much do you plan to earn as an internet business person? If you plan to earn $200 a year, then JAAXY is too expensive. If you do not have a premium membership of WA, then try the free version of JAAXY and get a feel of what it can do.
The annual plan is not really cheaper than the monthly one for the Pro version of JAAXY.
A carpenter needs sharp chisels, hammers, saws, rulers etc. for his trade. IMHO, an internet marketer, of any kind, needs a keyword research tool. (One that also does a range of analytics on your websites as well.)
I hope this has been some help.
Good luck with your own enterprise
Thanks for the Jaxxy review, Finding great Keywords for my website isn’t easy.
Usually, it takes me very long to check up everything around a keyword I wanna use, but this looks like an all-in-one tool that does all the work for me
I will try out Jaxxy after reading your article it sounds like this will finally do it.
Thank again, Keep it up
Thanks for the comment.
Finding really good keywords which will pull traffic to your website is the core of a successful website. It is possible to try out searches one by one and find good quality keywords, but it is very time consuming hard work.
Even the free version of JAAXY gives you some powerful analysis of which keywords will work and which will not. It gives you a real taste of what it is like using a professional tool to support and enhance your business.
If you have not tried out the free 30 searches, please do. I think you will be surprised at how good it can be.
Thanks for this thorough review of the Jaaxy for keyword research. I am using the Jaaxy free version and find it very useful and easy to use when researching for keywords. In fact, you have raised a very good point as I focus on the SEO for Google rankings but should also take into consideration Bing and Yahoo. Good call!
Thanks JL
In the process of looking for Niches, we often forget there are other search engines. They can offer search engine niches as well. I am sure that some people use one search engine to the exclusion of all others, (often Google.)
In the pro-version you can track your site ranking, get suggestions for alternative keywords and phrases when building new campaigns. There are a range of extra facilities, not just more available searches.
I used the free version for quite awhile and was delighted with the extra information the pro-version offered.
It is a major time-saver.
Good luck with your own projects.
that is a very detailed review of Jaaxy. I do agree it is a good tool. However…
You wrote that the real competition is number of answers using a particular phrase. But isn’t it the case that the true competition is domains and page authority on the first page of search results?
Let’s say, there are keywords with low QSR, And very authoritative domains and pages (with many good backlinks). If each one is with high authority on the first page, can you still beat them?
Did you use other tools? I think, it would be a nice idea to compare the results and easiness of use of Jaaxy vs. something else.
The reason why I propose it, because you wrote there are no cons in using Jaaxy at all. It justs sounds too good to be true
Hi Andrey
Thanks for your comment.
Yes, I explained the competition that way to simplify it. You are right that another factor is the authority domains..
That is something which takes time and hard work to build up and is possible only if a good Keyword analysis has been done. I doubt that an authority domain could be established without a very good keyword tool.
I used the Wealthy affiliate Keyword tool in the beginning and Google Analytics. The software tools are only that, tools. They have to be used intelligently in the context of a campaign or project.
I do not think any keyword tool would be perfect. There will always be areas where one is better than another. I do believe that JAAXY, for the money is unsurpassed. If you have an alternative suggestion, I would be glad to hear it.
Perhaps JAAXY is so good because it was designed by people who actually have had a need for a keyword tool in their own businesses. It is really relevant to the challenge of SEO, especially for those who are new to the business of internet marketing. I was new once and wished I had used JAAXY (Pro version,) earlier.
Have you done a review of something comparable? You are welcome to give us the link and we can compare.
There is always something new to learn, isn’t there?
Wow! Very informative article. Thank you so much. I’ve already signed up to Jaaxy actually. Now considering to sign up for the Pro plan, but it’s a bit expensive for me right now. Do you know if they will have some promotion or discounts in the near future on their Pro plan?
I think it’s a very good tool.
Will share this article with a facebook group I’m in.
Hi Anna. Thanks for your comment.
JAAXY does not usually have offers or discounts. Of course they could do one now, just to prove me wrong. I would take advantage of them myself, if they did.
You have to consider your own finances when investing in business items. There is always a balance between how much to invest in the business and what returns to expect.
Unfortunately, there is always a level of risk and unknowns in business and some things are trial and error until we find the right way. If you are serious about being an online entrepreneur, JAAXY or a comparable program will become essential to you. Only you will decide when that time has come.
Thank you for sharing this in your Facebook group.
Thank you for a complete write up about Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool.
I never really realized how important “low hanging fruit” key words are until I began to understand how Google ranking works. These are all basically new to me since I am new in the world of online marketing. I thought I can just write about what I am passionate about without having to consider what keywords to use.
Anyway, I signed up for Jaaxy Free Trial and have already used up all my free searches but I am hesitant to upgrade because I haven’t made any money yet from my websites, even though I have several posts that ranked on Google’s first page and have some considerable amount of traffic.
I am currently using the Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Tool which has proven to work. Actually, I wanted to kick myself for not upgrading to Jaaxy Pro before the price went up but I am not sure that would have been a good idea.
When do you think should one upgrade to Jaaxy Pro? Do you recommend paying for a keyword tool even before generating an income from your site?
Thanks Alysanna.
It sounds like you are following the training well.
It is difficult to advise people about when to spend money because I do not know all the circumstances.
What I can say is this:
The returns in this business are slow to come through so do not spend money you cannot afford.
JAAXY is worth every penny.
The Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Tool is an excellent start point and if you find it good, JAAXY (the pro version) is 10 times better. If you are benefitting from WA’s Keyword Tool, you will definitely benefit from JAAXY.
Do not spend money you have not got in order to get a quick return. It is not possible to guarantee quick returns.
In the process of learning about this business, you will find out one day that you need a good keyword tool. It will save you time and give you suggestions about where to go next.
When you are ready, you can make the investment.
Remember JAAXY is only a tool. It depends how you use it as to how effective it can be. I do believe it is an essential tool in the long term.
Good luck with your own enterprise
Hello Viyee,
Great and informative article! I just started affiliate marketing and had no idea the importance of keyword research. Jaaxy seems very sophisticated in this aspect and its even better knowing you could use it as part of the affiliate program.
This is a win win situation for beginners like myself. I will share this article with my friends who are also looking to pursue in a career online.
Thank you,
Thanks Eric,
Glad you found it helpful to read about JAAXY and keyword research.
It took me some time to realise the importance of keywords and key phrases, and yet, they are the cornerstone of SEO and vital in online marketing.
There are so many businesses online that it is difficult for small ones to raise their profile high, especially when competing with the big boys like eBay, Amazon, YouTube etc.
There are, however, opportunities, amongst the millions of searches, for us to find keyword or phrase which is relevant to our niche and not so overused by others. The “low hanging fruit.” That is where we can get our web-sites up on the first page of the search engines.
Good luck with your business and hope things go well for you.