Is John Crestani’s Internet Jetset a Scam
Internet Jetset, I’ve reviewed many programs claiming to make me rich, so many scams, John Crestani’s Internet Jetset posed me a massive problem.
Is John Crestani’s Internet Jetset a really clever scam or is it that rarity: a genuine program to teach you how to make money and maybe join the internet jet set? Here’s the truth.
Product Name: Internet Jetset
Website : http://www.internetjetsetsystem.com/
Price : $47 then $97 for case studies
and $47 / month for twice-monthly webinars etc.
Owner : John Crestani
Ranking : 40 / 100
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset Overview
The opinions expressed here in this review are my own and form no part of any contract.
I have attempted to give as good a review as I can and be as far as I can.
Watching the introductory video on the landing page, you will see a John Crestani himself telling you about how good he is.
He explains about his background and how he can make $1,000 a day from his program.
You will see video clips with him and guns and fast cars and images intending to show him leading a rich man’s life.
The usual claims of firing your boss and becoming independent are there in abundance. An abundance of money is what it is all about.
He claims you can start with nothing and build a business up very quickly to produce $1,000 a day.
The business is fully automated, implying you have to do very little except pay him the money to join his program.
It is an internet based business using Google, FaceBook and Youtube to generate free traffic.
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset Overview, Free Traffic
Now here is where my eyes glaze over as alarm bells begin to ring, quietly at first.
“Traffic” means visitors to your website. That is like people entering a retail shop.
This the gold-dust of internet marketing. You can have the best, cheapest product in the world and the most professional and attractive website to present it, but if nobody knows it is there, you have no visitors; i.e. no traffic.
Finding attracting people to look at your website is the holy grail of internet marketing. It is generally referred to as “driving traffic” to your website.
John Crestani makes it sound simple and cheap to do. I really disagree with him. I have been involved in internet marketing for years and I can assure you that it is difficult, complicated and takes a lot of hard work to get visitors to your website. Ask any successful internet marketer.
When you search for something on Google, do you look beyond the first page? Most people do not. That means that to get your article on page one is vital to getting people to read it and click through to your website.
Are there programs that teach how to do this properly? Yes
Back to the overview.
John Crestani claims you can apply his program to any niche of any affiliate marketing program and make a lot of money.
There is a lot of training but it is swallowed up by John Crestani’s self-promotion and hype.
What is John Crestani’s Internet Jetset about?
Internet marketing is definitely here to stay and is a growth market.
If you cannot afford to buy or manufacture your own products, Affiliate Marketing is the answer. This means promoting other people’s products to earn a commission.
There are a lot of Affiliate opportunities on the internet at the moment.
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset has some of the training you will need to enable you to structure a website, host it and promote other company’s products.
Amazon, alone, has millions of products.
There are 4 levels of membership:
- $47
- $97
- $47 per month.
These obviously offer more and more training and information.
The monthly membership offers “live” videos each month but they seem to be recordings of previous months so I am not sure how “live” they are.
What does John Crestani’s Internet Jetset do?
The program teaches you how to set up and run an affiliate marketing business.
The subjects covered are:
- Psychology
- Niche
- YouTube
- Website
- Copywriting
- Other upsells.
The training is generally OK but somewhat brief and there is a lot of self-promotion.
The psychology, mindset video is quite good. This is an important part of this kind of business where you need to be self-motivated and deal with problems along the way.
He does bring in some other “experts” to teach more advanced aspects, but you have to pay extra for them.
The Good in John Crestani’s Internet Jetset
- There is a range of training.
- John Crestani seems to know what he is talking about.
- There is a 60-day money back guarantee because you buy through ClickBank.
- The subjects covered are relevant to affiliate marketing.
- There is a community to help back you up.
- Some good tips and tricks amongst the training videos.
- Quite a lot on getting your Niche right.
- The Facebook group is quite lively.
- This is a program to watch out for. It could become one of the few good ones in internet marketing.
The Bad in John Crestani’s Internet Jetset
- The depth of training is shallow. For beginners, there is not enough substance to really learn.
- There is far too much Hype and self-promotion. I do not care how good he thinks he is; I want to be taught how to make money myself.
- Although the subjects covered are relevant, they are a bit dated. There are a lot of changes on the net and business people have to keep up with them to continue being successful.
- There is too little information on SEO and traffic targeting, the hardest and most important aspects of the business.
- The community is quite small and as such, not very helpful.
- I personally do not like upsells which are not declared from the start.
- No hosting or support in getting the right website.
- All good tools need to be paid extra for, they are not included in the price.
(I am personally a member of another community which is large and very helpful. They have a very wide and thorough training base where you really can learn everything. There are no hidden upsells and almost everything is included or declared from the start. This means I tend to judge other programs against this one.)
Who is John Crestani’s Internet Jetset For
Beginners who want to get a taste of affiliate marketing. Beware not to get sucked into the upsells until you have made some money to pay for them.
In my opinion, there are better, more thorough and up-to-date programs out there, than John Crestani’s Internet Jetset.
This could change over time since the program is relatively new. (2016.)
Who is John Crestani’s Internet Jetset Not For
People in a hurry to make money. You cannot make much money when you get started. It takes time to build up the size and credibility of your website. Without this and a really strong process for optimising your articles and blogs, you will never rank high enough to attract customers to your site.
People who have little knowledge of Word Press and building and hosting websites.
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset, Tools, and Training
Videos and PDFs on aspects of affiliate marketing.
Free links to support tools but nothing to really help with SEO, like JAAXY does.
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset Support
Email support only.
A good Facebook group with a few thousand members.
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset Pricing and Upsells
There are a variety of expensive upsells which I ignored, I am afraid.
The Keyword tools and web hosting all have to be paid for so the price for the program is just for the training.
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset Balance pros and Cons
- This could form the basis of initial training if you want to get into affiliate marketing.
- Amongst the hype and self-promotion, there are some good tips and tricks.
- Some of the videos by other experts are very good.
- If you like to be a member of several programs and communities, this could be quite useful.
- Far too much hype.
- Training rather inadequate in many areas, especially SEO.
- Expensive to really get something out of because of the tools and hosting which you have to pay for yourself.
John Crestani’s Internet Jetset, Scam or no Scam
No, it is not a scam but is not really good value for money.
That is a pity because I do feel that the owners have enough knowledge and experience to make this one of the genuine internet marketing training programs.
Product Name: Internet Jetset
Website : http://www.internetjetsetsystem.com/
Price : $47 then $97 for case studies
and $47 / month for twice-monthly webinars etc.
Owner : John Crestani
Ranking : 40 / 100
Verdict: Recommended or not
In my opinion, this is one to give a miss.
There are other better programs which are more up to date and more thorough training.
Support and in particular, technical support, is better elsewhere.
Of course, Internet Jetset implies that you can join this program and become a member of the Jet set.
This may be true for John Crestanie and the other owners of the program. I doubt that anyone signing up to Internet Jetset will ever achieve anything beyond debt.
What do you think?
Thanks. I think you have summed up Internet Jetset quite well. I cannot see how anyone can achieve Jetset status from joining the Internet Jetset program. A lot of promises are made or implied without much justification.
What’s up to all, how is everything, I think every one is getting more from this site, especially newbies. Internet Jetset needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.
There are so many scammers on the net, we all need to be careful.
Thanks. It is s pity that so many people who are desperate to earn money get sucked into programs like Internet Jetset instead of a reputable company like Wealthy Affiliate.
Starting a business takes hard work, time and dedication. There are no legal ways round this, but internet Jetset makes a lot of promises.
Can they deliver, I don’t think so.