Jobs You Can Do at Home
One of the jobs you can do at home is an online business. Why? Because some people like to work for themselves without other people telling them what to do. Some people have the ambition to create their own empire to pursue their dreams. There is no need to explain it; they just want to have their own business online. You do not need any qualifications to do this; you just need to prepare yourself to learn how to build your online business from the absolute beginning.
One Stop Station
This is the one-stop station for you to set up your own online business without any other information to distract you. You can learn to successfully build your own online business from here. Here is what you need to learn to get things moving:
Domain – before you choose your domain name, wealthy affiliate will teach you, step by step, how to use the keyword tool? What are keywords? How do you use them? What is the best way to choose your niche for your domain? You can sign up to wealthy affiliate to get 2 free WordPress websites.
If you want to be completely independent, you can also buy your own domain through WA. The price is about $15 for a year to “buy” one domain. No domains are “owned.” We “rent” them, though once registered in our name, no-one else can use them. This applies all over the world.
The different types of domain are shown by the suffix; “.com” is the most common but there are many. “.co.uk” is the most common one for the UK and there are many different ones for different purposes and countries. The prices vary from country to country and from type to type. “.London” is quite specialised and so costs much more.
Hosting – Hosting is the “site” of your domain. The “domain” is a name for your business and it has to be stored somewhere on the internet. In the same way we have to rent a property for a shop, we have to rent space on a hard drive to host our business. Wealthy affiliate supplies you FREE hosting for 25 of your own websites and 25 free SiteRubix – websites, if you are a premium member. You will have spam free, protected, websites and advice on what you need to do to improve your websites and ranking with Google and other search engines.
Your website is what people see when they find you on the net. It is your shop front, displaying your services and goods. It gives people information about you and how to contact you and it is where they place their orders.
Lessons – more than 70 lessons are included (at WA,) for you to learn and get as much business knowledge as you can. You need to study the lessons step by step, without skipping any, if you want to be a success online and make your online business work.
Video lessons – WA also provide ongoing video classes for all the premium members every week, to help all the members to improve and upgrade their online business skills in different areas. The internet changes and develops all the time and it is necessary to keep up to date with the changes. There are really clever experts constantly assessing the situation and bringing you the latest techniques and tips for success.
One to one help and advice is available from Kyle or Carson (The company owners.) If you have a wealthy affiliate free membership, you can also get help from Kyle within the first 7 days after you join WA.
Community help – if you have any questions you can ask for help from the community members, and they will help you. If you have more advance level of questions to ask, please join the WA membership to get even more benefits.
You may be starting at any level of expertise, but the best way to succeed is to focus on your one niche. I say again; you do not need any qualifications, you do need to persist and never give up the spirit of learning, step by step, and following all the lessons, without skipping any.
Can you do that? If you can, let’s get started now. To get the 10 free lessons, please click here. Remember: you do not need to pay anything to get started. You do not need to give your bank card details to get the free lessons.
You Can Create Any Niche for the Business Online
You May be a Cleaner – You will learn how you can create your own business online, show the public the business and services you will be providing, the prices, the time schedules and locations. You also can attract new customers to your website when you promote your online business and services.
You may be a driver – taxi driver, private mini-bus drivers, in fact, any kind of driver. You can build your business online just showing the services and help you can provide.
You may be a leaflet distributor – build your website to display your service and prices, get customers through your website in order to increase your customer base and earn more income.
You may be a hair-dresser – when you build your business online you will have more opportunities to attract more customers from your locality. You can build a solid business online. Attracting more customers means you get more income.
You may be a baker – if you can bake cakes, decorate cakes, make bread, pizzas, and so on, using all the skills you have. You can build a website to teach people how to bake, decorate and make money from your teaching. You can also link your site to ideal products and possibly earn commission on selling them.
Perhaps you are a beauty therapist. You can promote your beauty courses or services online – you can build your website telling people about the services and courses you run. You can make money from your services and at the same time you can teach someone, who already has the skills, how to make money from them. You can learn how to build your own business online and make a long-term business plan.
Actually, if you have any kind of skills at all, you can build a business online with a long-term growth plan. Some more examples for you to consider, are: Sports coach (Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, swimming, football, tennis, table-tennis etc.). Chef (if you are expert in any kind of food or cooking, you can show people how to cook, suggest interesting recipes and make an income from it.).
Dress-maker (if you can make clothes for people who need something special made, wedding dress, party dress etc.). Property decoration, as a company or individual. Gardener as a company or individual. Teachers (Language teacher, Math teacher, special needs etc.). Accountant, can be individual or company, offering help for large or small business owners.
Lawyer also can build a website and offer help, advice and services… Doctors also can build a website to give advice from their own knowledge and experience to help people to understand different symptoms, perhaps on contraception or how to get the best advice. Prevention is better than cure? If you are a writer this is good news for you.
You can write your own website content or help other people to write their content and earn an income from it. Music (you can create websites to teach people how to play piano, singing, dancing and maybe hobbies etc.). Body massage services, babysitter, any kinds of advice, internet software download, website design, programme, and a lot more…
The ideas are endless and people expect almost every kind of business to have a presence online.
Your online presence is part of the image of your business. People need to be able to find you.
If customers require a product or service they go online, often on their phones. Gone are the days of yellow pages and ads in newspapers. Even car boot sales and markets have their online versions. It is a brave new world and an enormous one. Even local businesses can offer international services of products or services derived from your main business. This is often with very little investment of money. It does take a certain amount of knowledge and time.
If you think an improved online presence could assist your business to grow, why not give WA a try? You may find your business can take off in new directions that you had hardly imagined, and who does not want improved business or even a start-up business of their own?
It does not matter what level you are starting from.
It does not matter how much money you have, (although you do need a little.)
It does not matter how much experience you have.
You can do it. Jobs you can do at home.
Read More: You Know How to Make Money Online at Home